(oops.. meant to post this on 2/10/11! bad blogger!)
Yesterday I set off on an adventure to the Oregon Coast. It would have been my moms 56th birthday, and I wanted to celebrate her life. She taught me to follow my heart and do what I love! I adventured out to Tillamook Oregon to the
Tillamook Cheese Factory to get my fix of squeaky cheese (cheese curds)!! Tillamook is a quaint farm town just outside the Oregon Coast.

With cheese in tow, i then headed to Oceanside Oregon to one of my favorite new secret hiding spots that overlooks the entire small sea town of Oceanside.

It was so peaceful up here, and I could hear the sea lions barking up a storm :)
Then it was off to Cape Meares to see the lighthouse (one of my mom's favorite things) and to watch a spectacular sunset :)

I am filled with so much inspiration when I drive out to the coast! This trip took me over 3 hours because I would stop every few miles to photograph something (sorry to everyone who was behind me and had to experience my quick pull offs along the mountains!). You can see the entire collection of photographs on my
Flickr, here!Being a new blogger, I'm still trying to choose a direction with this blog (and to be a regular poster!) - thinking of posting about how I make books (will be making a tutorial soon!), my favorite artists, and things that inspire me... what would you like to see??
thanks for reading :)