It's been quiet over here in Soma Venus land! I have been putting a lot of my time and energy into starting my pet photography business Rad Cat!
You can become a fan over here :)I've been behind on making sketchbooks because of this, so I decided to take a much needed art retreat to my favorite place on the Oregon coast. No distractions just the amazing views and the sounds of crashing waves, sea lions and seagulls. P E R F E C T!
I absolutely love heading out on road trips by myself. I live completely in the moment and feel 100% in my element when I'm on an adventure! The drive to the coast is amazing - once getting out of the city traffic and off the freeways. It's an hour and 20 minute drive through farm lands and dirt roads on each side. It reminds me of home back in upstate New York. Eventually the farm lands turn into mountains and forests. I have many secret hiding spots along the way - waterfalls, hiking trails - just places to take a break, stretch my legs and photograph the mossy green trees.
When I get to Tillamook I always have to make a pit stop at the
Tillamook Cheese Factory for some cheese curds!

Then it was off to my usual stomping grounds on the coast - Cape Meares Lighthouse, The Octopus tree, Oceanside. I absolutely love how lush and green Oregon is even in winter!

the small town I stayed in:

The best part of the mini art retreat was of course making art! I set up shop on a big table in my hotel room (which felt more like a studio apartment than a hotel) with a pile of books to sew and ephemera to collage with!

My view was spectacular - I spent my Saturday morning snuggled in blankets on the bed listening to the rain, waves, sea lions bark and seagulls! I worked on art until I had to check out at 11am.. it was so hard to leave!

I left feeling inspired and looking forward to the next time I can say hello to the ocean! One day I will live out there! It completely calms and soothes my soul and fills me with so much happiness and inspiration! I love you sweet pacific! Can't wait to visit with my twin when she's here next month visiting from New York!
How was your weekend, friends?